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Now in its 101st year, the Lake Forest Park Garden Club meets monthly and provides a time to talk to other gardeners, get tips on horticulture and design, and enjoy a program with a guest speaker on topics of interest. The goals of this club are as follows: To make a study of propagation and culture of plants: to develop home gardens: to aid in the protection of native trees, flowers and birds; to foster a spirit of reverence and love for the beautiful in nature; to encourage the members and residents of the community to beautify their homes with flowers, shrubs and vegetables; and to create and promote good fellowship among the members of the club.

Next general meeting

February 11, 2025. 


LFP Third Place Commons (near the stage).

Located on the upper level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, at the intersection of Bothell Way NE (SR 522) and Ballinger Way NE (SR104) (see map).

Lake Forest Park Garden Club Lecture Series
"Instant Interest with Summer Bulbs”

Speaker Treavor Cameron March 11, 2025.

From Dahlias, Gladiolus, Canna Lilies, Calla Lilies, Crocosmia, Freesia, Peonies, Tree peonies, Iris, Asiatic Lilies, Toad lilies ​​​and more, create instant interest with summer bulbs.

Lake Forest Park Garden Club thanks all of the fantastic speakers who shared their knowledge and passion with us in the 2024-2025 lecture series.

Hydrangea Plant

Join Us Each Month!

The Lake Forest Park Garden Club meets at 9:30am on the second Tuesday of the month (September through May) on the upper level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, near the stage. There is a short membership meeting, followed by a featured speaker.

Lake Forest Park Town Center is located at the intersection of Bothell Way NE (SR 522) and Ballinger Way NE (SR104) (see map).

Coming Up

​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Calendar of events:


  • January 25th - Board Meeting 10:00 am

  • February 11th - Membership Meeting 9:30 am - No speaker this month - We will enjoy our "Members tea"

  • February 19th - 25th - Northwest Flower and Garden Show

  • February 25th - Board Meeting 10:00 am

  • March 11th - Membership Meeting 9:30 am - Presentation: "Summer Bulbs"

  • March 25 - Board Meeting 10:00 am

  • April 8th - Membership Meeting 9:30 am - Presentation: "Go Vertical with Vines"

  • April 22nd - Board Meeting 10:00 am

  • May 13th - Membership Meeting 9:30 am - Presentation: "Nesting birds"

  • May 17th - Annual Plant Sale - Lake Forest Park Elementary School - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

  • May 27th Board Meeting 10:00 am

 If you have ideas for programs/speakers, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form below

Join the LFPGC

New members are accepted throughout the year. Both novice and experienced gardeners are welcome. The annual dues are $35. Membership dues can be paid at the monthly membership meeting or mailed* to:

Lake Forest Park Garden Club

c/o Judy Murray

15725 62nd Ave NE

Kenmore, WA 98028

*If mailing in membership please include: name, address, phone number and email address.  Don't forget - your membership gives you access to all of the garden club activities AND at least 7 guest lectures a year.  Each talk alone is probably worth the cost of the entire years membership fee.

Contact Us

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